Thursday, February 21, 2013

What Matters Most
I'm blessed to have a great mother. Few years back we used to own a preschool, and I used to work there part time...she is a wonderful teacher and had taught great things to the children...the preschoolers particularly enjoyed the stories, I would do the visual aids and my mom would tell the stories, one of the favorites is the ugly duckling...a simple story but the lesson my mom told them is that we can grow to reach our full potential if we strive to and endure hardships and the end the ugly duckling turned to be a beautiful swan...which is in its full potential..
Sometimes, we don't know what we can become...we are clueless of what we can achieve that sometimes, we just stop where we are and remain stagnant for a while until we don't strive sons and daughters of Heavenly Father, we can strive to be like him...if we look up to Him and follow the Lords example.

Brothers and sisters we inherit greatness from our Father in Heaven and there’s no way we can fail. We only fail becuase we do not strive to do our best especially if we are practicing mediocrity. We are warned in the Doctrine and Covenants 60:13 saying that,” Thou shalt not aidle away thy time, neither shalt thou bury thy btalent that it may not be known.

To encourage us, President Brigham Young confirmed the revelation given to President Lorenzo snow by the Lord. He said and I quote, ”as man now is, God once was, as God now is, man may be.” If we try to analyze this concept we will learn that God is our greatest example and if we follow Him, step by step, we can become like Him. The path to greatness was revealed to us, only if we will work it out.

In a talk shared by bishop Gerald Causse, he shared that a movie age of reason made him realize the movie the main character who's 40 years old, successful career woman one day receives a letter...a letter she herself had written when she was 7 years old, the letter mentioned what she would want to become at the age of reason...after reading the letter she realized that none of her dreams when she was 7 years old happened...with this she turned her life around...

What if we receive a letter from our pre mortal life?
The letter might say...dear me, I'm writing to you so you'll remember who I want to become. I shouted for joy for the chance to come to earth. I know that life on earth is an essential passage to enable me to grow to my full potential and live forever with my Heavenly Father. I hope that you will remember that my greatest desire is to be a disciple of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I support His plan, and when I am on earth I want to help Him in His work of salvation. Please also remember that I want to be part of a family that will be together for all eternity.”
Are we living a life that is geared towards these goals? The chance to come here on earth and prove ourselves comes with trials that may be hard but will eventually refine us and shape us so we can achieve our full potential as Heavenly Father's sons and daughters...

We cannot be like Him if we don't work it out and endure while keeping the faith...the trials in our lives may be hard at times, but every time it seems to be like we cannot handle it anymore, God comes to our the end if we endure we will receive blessings of such will be in line with our eternal goals...

We should fill our lives with things that are pleasing to Heavenly Father. We should seek for things that lifts our spirits. Like Serving in the church, following the commandments, reading the scriptures...these things will help us endure to the end...if we adhere to these things, our ability to combat the trials that come our way will be strengthened, our minds will be cleared and not clouded making our desire to reach our ultimate goal strong...

Let Me share this verses from the Bible, 2Tim 4:5-8. I read and I quote:
5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.
7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

Understanding our divine identities can help us strive to reach our full potentials and endure the hardships that may come our way...we need to remember who we are...

Brigham Young said: “The greatest lesson you can learn is to know yourselves. … You have to come here to learn this. … No being can thoroughly know himself, without understanding more or less of the things of God; neither can any being learn and understand the things of God without knowing himself: he must know himself, or he never can know God.”7
“Remember, my child.” One of the great adventures of life is that of finding out who we really are, where we came from, and then living consistently in harmony with our identity and the purpose of our existence.

We should understand our divine identity in order to BECOME what He sees us. We understand our identity, we always move forward and upward if we understand our divine identity, we would want to strive to cleave to our covenants, we would want to pray, we would never lose sight of what matters most...we walk each day on safe grounds and if, just if we fall short, we know we can repent and be forgiven because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Brethren may we always understand and remember why we are here on earth and the very purpose of the plan of salvation, that we are here to perfect ourselves and be like Him, Our Father in Heaven. We are here to reach our full potential. Never allow yourself to reach the the end of the road without achieving your potential to become great in the sight of God.

I know that God is great and that He lives. I know in my heart that we can become like Him because we are his children. The Church is true. Jesus Christ is our savior and I love Him. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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