Friday, February 22, 2013

Are You Afraid of Getting Old?
This is a question some people tried to ask themselves sometime in their life. It may be a question hard to avoid if you yourself is in the path of getting old every day, every year and every decade of your life. We know that time runs faster 24 hours a day and there is nothing we can do to stop that reality coming to us. We do not hold our time. You may be young now but tomorrow you are an old man. We are getting older every second of the day.

When you look at the mirror, you might see an old person standing with a growing white hair, white mustache and white beard, just like what I see myself having now. Wrinkles are starting to be noticeable as well. So who aren’t afraid to see yourself like that? To look just like Merlin of old, hahaha. I guess everybody will experience that moment in their lives sometime in the future.

But the question is, are you brave enough to answer that question of being afraid of getting old? This question about getting old might be a question for people who doesn’t want to grow up. People who can’t accept the fact that it is part of life. People who are coward enough to face that reality.

Well, we should not be scared of tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself. However, I think instead of questioning ourselves, am I afraid of getting old, maybe it is much better  if we modify it and just ask, “What did I contribute for the betterment of the world, my family, loved ones and to myself? Had I achieved something worth keeping? We should realize that life is beautiful. I like the words of Rick Danko when he said that,”Getting older, I realize I've had a very fortunate life. I've had a budget that's allowed me to do just about any silly little thing the mind could conjure up, and I'm still alive and here. So getting old still has an advantage for everybody. You gain experience and your way of life is wider compared if you are young. We are only old, we have everything in us, only that we are not getting younger.

“If u r born poor, its not your mistake
if u die poor, its your mistake”

This is something that we need to internalize. To do our best while on earth and be one of the successful people the world ever produced.
It is great to die happy and contented. You may not bring the richness of the world with you, but at least you are a happy man. There’s nothing we can do to stop time but we can do something useful and good during our time. To leave a legacy of goodness that people can remember and to the society which took care of you.

"Do not leave a legacy of fear, pain, and hatred. Leave a legacy that not only man can be proud of you but a legacy that God can be proud of you!"

by Alvin Pagaddu

I Tell My World
Product Market Review

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