Monday, February 18, 2013

Best Tips on How to Prepare Well for a Job Interview
Arrive Early
Prepare yourself a day before the interview. Try to evaluate yourself and assess your strengths and weaknesses. Practice a little bit on what you will say as if it is the actual interview already. Better be sure to arrive 1 hour or 30 minutes early to avoid the pressure of getting late and the tendency to lose your full concentration. Being late is a bad impression to your employer.

Check Your Personal Appearance
You should dress appropriately and look presentable. Hair is well groomed and fingernails must be clean and neatly manicured. You may not know this but your employer will check your nails secretly. It may ba a little issue but it reflects who you are. Most of the interviewers I know have a psychology background so by the moment you meet them, he already knew and what kind of person you are.

What to Wear>>>>

Nice dress
Nice pan suit
No jeans or shorts
No party dresses
No gaudy jewelry
No heavy make up
No strong perfume
No Tee shirts

No “sloppy” jeans
No tee shirts
Shoes shined
Pants pressed
Clean shirt (tie as required)
Suit or jacket (if appropriate)
Hands and face clean

Go to the Interview Alone
Avoid bringing someone with you during interviews because we get distracted evertime and lose our focus id we are with them. You can fully concentrate and can yourself properly if you are alone. Hoever, if someone insist to come with you, just be sure to have them wait in the car or let them go strolling somewhere else while waiting for you.

Bring Important Documents with you
1.    Name/address of employers
2.    Employment dates
3.    Business and personal references
4.    Name/address of schools
5.    Diplomas and certificates
6.    Course Study
7.    Extra-curricular activities and Achievements
8.    Other Important documents and records like health certificate, SSS, Licenses, etc.

Be Alert during the Interview
•    Sit straight and maintain eye contact (through their eyes your interviewer can know you)
•    Do not slouch but be organized

Think Before Answering
You can better prepare for this moment by practicing before the actual interview. Always be accurate, honest and frank. Speak your heart but not talk 50% of the time. Answer only what is being asked of you and nothing else. Answer logically and do not forget to smile.

Try to relax and do not pressure yourself too much. It is enough that you know everything about the employer and company, the employer is still trying to know you so answer attentively. Try to be yourself. They will know if you pretend or not. Be natural to your responses.

Seek Advise:  Ask for Leads
When you feel that you did not do well in the interview and feel that you won’t get the job, be placid. There’s another effective way to counter the results. Do not be shy to ask for advise or suggestions. Ask for other available positions in the company. Sometimes the employer will know how much you needed a job. They might call you back so leave a good impression.

Believe it or not but applicants that follows up gets hired 97% according to the National Statistics. However, only 3% of the applicant follows up.
Send a letter as your first follow-up saying how much you are interested for the job and to work for them. Within 24 hours you should have handed the letter to them. You can as well personally hand it over to them.

I Tell My World
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