Thursday, February 21, 2013

The BE Attitudes of an Exceptional Worker
To be able to succeed in your working profession, you need to know few things in mind in order to help you assess yourself if you are an asset to your company or a pain in the neck to your employer. Evaluation is your key to promotion and success. And these 9 BE attitudes will evaluate you if you are doing well in your work or not. Due to the heavy competition on the market today, people are looking for jobs and most of them might be better than you. So if you are not exceptional and do not do your best, your employer will be very happy to replace you for a much better worker. That’s why until it is early, learn your BE Attitudes

1.    BE Dependable- You must always be on time or much early than your boss. Early bird catches worms. You must also look good and fresh all the time. Getting late all the time is a bad impression of you. Excuses will pull you down.

2.    BE Dedicated- Don’t bring your personal problems at work. Family matters will affect your performance so be sure to leave them at home. Your employer is not there to assist you. He doesn’t care about your personal problems for he wanted results from your work and because he has a much bigger responsibility than you. He carries the weight of the company on his shoulders. If you are dedicated to your work, it lightens your boss’ burdens and you will make him happy or else he will just send you home.

3.    BE Effective- Do not be the problem. Be the solution to the problem. Do not be a “Jack of all trades.” Strive to be much better than anyone else. Do valuable things that can impress employer. If you do this, promotion awaits you!

4.    BE a Problem Solver- Let us be clear about this, “Your employer’s problems, are your problems.” That is why you are hired at the first place, right?! To solve your boss’ problems. However, always remember that solving your boss’s problems, sticks you more in the company you work with. It will be hard for him pass you off if recession comes. You are of a great value if you help him during critical times. Solving his problems means a higher salary and a promotion.

5.    BE Productive- President Gordon B. Hinckley of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints once said that we must work more than we are paid for. It’s a good attitude for an employee to have. The more we produce good results, the more that we show our worth. However, if you do not earn more for the company you work with, the company will not keep you long.

6.    BE Prepared- During times of recession, more people lose their job. You must be prepared always. Remember that the least prepared gets hired last and laid off first

7.    BE Positive- Who wants to have a negative employee, right! Most of the workers, sometimes keeps on complaining on how much difficult their work is or how much they do not like their jobs. Negative thoughts will not lead you to something good. It only represents what kind of person you are. But being positive on the other side disperse good vibes to everyone.

8.    Be Loyal- Never, ever betray the trust of the company that hired you. Work for every penny they pay you. Being loyal means that you support the program of the company. In the Pledge of Loyalty it says that whatever you see, hear and do leave it as a secret to the company you work with. The supplies, the plans, the products, the equipments and everything that belongs to your boss is his property. Protect it as if it is your own. This is not to be shared to anyone outside the company.

9.    Love Your Work- Learn to love everything in your job. It’s the only way for you to do better and be successful as a person and as an employee.  Loving your work will lead you to personal growth as well. The company you work with is where you get your income and your daily living. Loving your work means you have to enjoy it, not for money but for the love of work. Do this and everything follows.
Remember this: “Being Employed is a great reward for which we plan and work.”

I Tell My World
Product Market Review

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