Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Statement
This is the first time I ever wrote a poem for a special someone. It is true that if you are inlove, sky is really the limit. You can do unexpected things that you yourself will just say, “Did I make this?” Man, I am just glad I made one. It has been a long time.

Writing a special poem that works needs motivation or even an inspiration for you to write one. Most of the people who write poems took them quite some time to finish it. It is not easy to write a poem but as I said, if you are willing, if you are primed to give your best shot and pour your heart out, you can make a great poem that other readers will like to read. You don’t have to be a professional writer, you just have to be yourself. Write what you feel and everything will just follow.

I have read a book of poems in my life. Some are long and some are slightly short. However, by the time you will read it and finish it until the last word, you will feel like, ”Wow, that’s a great poem.” It’s because the person who wrote it, write it with feelings. Well, my friends, here is a poem that I made. I am not a good poem writer but I made a fantastic one. Enjoy your reading.

I dedicate this to the person who stole my heart… Hope you like the poem guys!!!

A Statement…

All these days you were there
Inspiring me and showing me,
Showing me how to be very happy with someone special.
Somebody who I never thought would be you.

You are a mist who suddenly became my light.
You are a spark that came out to be my star,
You are the rain that came out to be my rainbow,
You are someone, who came out to be my special someone.

And as moments passed by, as my days became nights...
As we grow to be so close, as we realize something's happening,
As my heart pounds every glimpse of you...
I believe, I feel intimately close to you...

But now we've realized,
This feeling deep inside, my days with YOU became my silence...
The silence that makes me wanna shout,
All the fears that I feel inside this heart...
So Please, tell me what you feel, what you think, and what you see...
For what I Feel, what I Think, and what I See...

You are the words, that makes my statement complete...

I Tell My World
Product Market Review

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