Friday, February 22, 2013

Bubblews, Your One Step Towards Professional Writing

Anyone who is aspiring to be a good writer and eventually be a professional, would want to have the best training ground for them to practice their writings skills and to be able to effectively communicate to the public. Many people are not good in speaking of what they feel, so they find writing as an effective tool to convey or voice out their feelings.

Writing is a powerful way of expression, either an expression of love, happiness, sadness, hatred or anything that touches our emotions. Writing is one way how Dr. Jose Rizal, the Philippine’s National Hero who fought the Spaniards in his own unique way, is able to awaken every Filipinos sense of nationalism, for the love of country and the battle for freedom. Writing is described as a two-edge sword, that can pierce every man’s emotions, and feelings, that cuts into one’s soul.

Actually, I am not a good writer, only aspiring to be one, but I find writing as an opportunity for me to express myself passionately, precisely according to what I really feel inside of me. Every time someone likes or comments to your articles gives you a sense of happiness, that you are being appreciated by others to what you do and what you think. Plus the opportunity to earn money, even if it is just a small amount of money, yet a decent one, that somehow can give you an extra push to continue what you are doing. I can also say that writing can make you a better person. You can even learn a lot of things because you are researching and thinking creatively. This can also add wisdom to you, something that I always want to have for the very reason that I believe that a man must not stop learning new things. While you are still alive and kicking, there are a lot of things to learn about and to discover.  That’s what makes the world a beautiful place to live in for there are just too many things for you to be productive.

Writing for this site will open many doors in the future for people who will continue in this direction of creative writing as long as they continually master and hone their skills. That is why I believe that Bubblews is your one step towards professional writing! It is really fun to write and just like me I am beginning to get addictive into this endeavor, and I know my new found friends here feels the same way as I do.

Well, one of my greatest dream is to be able to write an inspiring book and be known to the society of writers. And I know that through Bubblews I am heading in that direction. Hopefully, this dream of mine can be a reality, but for now, I will keep on writing!

I Tell My World
Product Market Review

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