Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Story of A Love Letter
If you are someone who is fond of reading love letters from other lovers, well, I would love to share mine to you. I hope somehow this could entertain you and help you seek your own true love and to let you know that it (true love) does happen in real life.

This letter came from my bestfriend, the love of my life, the person who inspires me and brought me happiness. Someone who encourages  me to do my best always and to dream, yet, to strive as well.

I could say that we have a unique love story together because we never predict that this kind of love would happen to us, that a dream after a decade of longing would ever come to pass. Sometimes, I thought it was planned from above. Well, I say this because everything that happened to us sailed smoothly amidst some trials and challenges we both encounter in our lives. However, for now our love story is not the right time for me to tell merely because our story has a long way to go before it can be said and done. But, for the moment, let us start from this LOVE Letter:

May 15, 2012

To the love of my life, Vhin,

The days are passing so swiftly.  It’s been more than two months since we got reconnected to each other after three years.  It’s been more than two months that we are spending sleepless nights talking to each other.  We may be physically restless.  We may be lacking in sleep most of the times.  But the happiness you bring me each time I spend the hours hearing and laughing with you is immense. 

I really never thought that the joy, the dream, the silent prayer of my heart would suddenly come to pass, would ever come true.  I’m still in awe for how you ever came to my life.  You were just one of those ordinary friends I usually don’t get interacted with.  You were one of those in newsfeeds that I usually neglect.  But if only I knew then that my happiness lurks in your person, then I wouldn’t have wasted my time before.   However, I know heaven knows that this is our time.  This is our moment. These are our days to spend together to be more grateful, wiser, more loving, more caring and more in love.  Each day I live with the thought and feeling that I have you is I’m filled with gratitude.  I really thank heaven that I have you; that I am loving the sweetest, most caring and most loving man I’ve ever known in my life.   You were just a dream before that was impossible to have. I really never thought you would ever come to me.

I’m happy with you, Vhin.  I’m happy that I have and am enjoying this kind of love with you.  Mahal na mahal kita Bhe.  I could never imagine what would I be like today if I chose to ignore you.  I would surely be full of regrets or still ignorantly hiding in sadness.  God really touched my heart.  He really pulled me out from that lonely shell I lived in.  He has given me love I still couldn’t believe I’m deserving of.  I know He loves me and that’s the most definite reason there is.  He knows my full potential and that I can go farther than just what I think I could.  He has blessed me though I already ceased asking for any.  He has blessed me more than I deserve.  He gave me you.  You will always be my living testimony of how much God loves me and that I still worth like I’m a precious gem.

Now, I promise to love you, to take care of you, to respect you, to be loyal to you, to be faithful to you, to protect you, to cleave unto you and none else, to spend the rest of my days that I’m yours, to appreciate life with you, to conquer all for you, to sacrifice for you, to be selfless for you, to be hopeful with you, to bear all for you, to be patient with you, to fight for you, to not give on you, to understand you, to lift you up, to inspire you, to appreciate you, to cherish you, to be strong for you, to trust you, to believe in you, to sustain you, to submit myself to you as my head, to support you, to gladly spend my life for and with you, to smile for you, to laugh with you, to be happy with you, to be contented with you, to be willing to go the extra mile for you, to love you more each day.  But most of all, I promise to be worthy for you so you can hold my hand and present me before our Heavenly Father.

My heart is filled with so much love for you, Vhin.  If there’s one prayer I would ask from God, I pray to let me keep this love as mine forever.  I LOVE YOU baby and there’s nothing more I want to ask for…

Happy 1st Monthsary Bhe!!!

With all the love in my heart,

I Tell My World
Product Market Review

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