Friday, February 22, 2013

17 Reasons on why You Don’t Get Hired for Work

Many Job hunters are having a hard time getting hired and go back home unsuccessful. Aside from the fact that looking for a job is quite difficult, there are also other reasons that add up on why job hunting becomes much more complicated. Competition in the market is one of those reasons that make it hard because you are competing with other high caliber applicants with a higher educational attainment and their experiences. You are also competing with a hundred of applicants vying only for one position. However it would be a blessing if more than one position would be available because there would be 50% chances of being hired. That is why we have to do all we can to follow some measures or methods for you to land a job.

You must keep in mind that presenting yourself properly is very important. Your image must be strong enough to get the attention of your employer. So below are the 17 things given by various directors and CEO’s from 153 different companies as reasons on why an applicant is not hired.

1. Poor personal appearance – When you go for an interview, be sure you look attractive. Formal attire will be a great  choice for you. Remember that you are not only judge through interview but also by how you carry and present yourself. Look fresh all the time. Wearing lousy appearance is not attractive.

2. Lack of planning for a career, purpose or goals- sometimes we forgot to plan effectively. Be sure that you are applying for a job where you can really excel and something that you in line to. You cannot apply for a job if you don’t have the experience and training you need for it. Most interviewers will ask for your competence, so be sure before you apply you already completed the required course and trainings so that you can be successful. It is hard to share something you do not know, right?!

3. Overbearing personality- Do not be loud, boisterous, and arrogant, and don’t nag people. You can gain respect by being respectful to others. Also try to tone down a little. These are the reasons why you are not hired.

4. Little or no interest to the company- you must apply to a company that you really like. But sometimes due to competition, even if you like the company, is not a guarantee that you will be accepted. However, there are many companies you can apply and learn to love it and learn many things about them. Your employer can see if you are really interested to work with them or not.

5. Lack of Confidence- Sometimes self esteem is our problem.  But you have to trust yourself and your abilities. Show what you got. If you are applying for a job that suits you will I think you can have that confidence in you. Just be confident always. Knowing your strengths will help a lot and try to stick from that. Don’t entertain your weaknesses and be positive always. Lacking of confidence will pull you down. Companies wants a confident person.

6. Unwilling to start at bottom-expects too much- If you want to be successful, start from the bottom. You will realize it is the best step for you to do and then prove your worth. Many people wants to start way above. That is a no-no. Remember that.

7. Failure to look interviewer in the Eye- Looking to the eye of your interviewer will help you a lot because through it they can see you within. So failing to do so will cast doubts to you.

8. Limp handshake- have a dignified handshake plus a determined personality. Limp handshake means you are not that sincere.

9. Sloppy application form- Many applicants have a sloppy resume or application forms. Your resume must be clean , presentable and the required data must be included in it.

10. Lack of interest and enthusiasm- If you are not interested to apply and about the company, stop it. You will be wasting your time. Your employer can see if you lack interest in them. If they feel that way, they will not hire you.

11. Criticism of past employers- Never ever criticize your past employers. Avoid that attitude. It just shows how negative a person you are.

12. Lack of courtesy- Be polite all the time. Do not speak harsh words especially in the company premises. Someone might hear you.

13. Late to interview without good reason- being early all the time is a good attitude and employers like that. Who will hire someone if you are always late especially during interviews.

14. Marked dislike for school work- School record is a big plus for you so if you do not study well you can have it to your reports. Remember that companies also wants to know about your backgrounds.

15. Wants job for only a short time- If I am your employer, and I found out that you only want to work for a short time, I will not hire you. I will look for somebody who can stay with the company for a long time.

16. Asks no questions about the job- Asking a question shows your interest to the company. Just be sure that what you are asking is appropriate.  

17. Talks too much (more than 50% of the time)- Avoid this , please…

Check yourself on these before your next interview!

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