Monday, February 18, 2013

7 Foods that Fight Cancer
If you want to protect yourself against cancer, it is time that you make the right tools to prevent it from harming you. Eat a balance diet, flex some muscles and avoid taking part of smoking and drinking. A healthy lifestyle is one step of having a healthy body and a good way of cancer prevention. Remember that you are one who takes care of your body.

First step you can do is by eating vegetables. You also have to limit eating meat, fatty and sugary foods. A small portion of it in a week is enough. However, try to eat fruits in bull all the time because they can provide you with the best nutrients, antioxidants and fiber that you will need all the time.

Add exercise to your daily routine also. Just imagine yourself being loaded with a balance diet and exercise and you can be as healthy as you want to plus this routine can help you to control your weight. Because when you get bulky and obese, you are putting yourself in a greater risk of having cancer such as breast cancer for women and prostate cancer for men. Abstinence also in smoking and drinking alcohol will take away 70% chances of getting cancer.

Fruits and vegetables are your mighty defender against cancer. These types of foods contains anti-oxidants , a natural chemical that strengthens your  immune system and takes away the free radicals. Free radicals kill your cells that will eventually turn into cancer cells.

Most of the fruits and vegetable that we eat also have vitamins C, E and beta carotene that makes you strong and healthy. If that is not enough, let us add the flavanoids to give you the extra protection you need. Flavanoids are very rich in anti-oxidants. They are responsible to the color, flavor and taste to the plants.

So now, let us load your meal with these 7 powerful foods:
1.    Onions and Garlic – These bulbs have the scallions and chives you need that are very powerful against cancer. To release their full strength, you have to crush the bulb properly and never overcook them. Eat them so they can hunt those free radicals before they get you.

2.    Citrus Fruits – I love these fruits very much. Why? Because they are your oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruits. Their pulp and juice are very rich with vitamin C that prevents cancer of the bladder, breast, cervix, rectum, colon, esophagus, pancreas, lungs, and the stomach. Citrus fruits also have monoterpenes found on the peels of the fruit. They are anti-oxidants also. You can add it to your drinks.

3.    Cruciferous Vegetables –Examples are broccoli, cauliflowers, turnips, brussel sprouts, cabbage, kohlrabi, and rutabaga. These vegetables produce phytochemicals responsible for safeguarding your DNA preventing them to mutate into cancer cells. It also stops the growth of tumors in the body. To benefit from them, you must eat them raw or half cooked.

4.    Herbs and Spices – It is a good replacement for salts. Examples are basil, rosemary, turmeric, parsley and ginger. They all contain flavanoids and other compounds rich in anti-oxidants. It would be better to eat them fresh.

5.    Tomatoes – Wow! I like this vegetable because they are so full of lycopenes, another kind of an anti-oxidant. This carotenoid fights cancer of the stomach, esophagus, lungs, colon, prostate and throat. You can make a red pasta sauces out of it or make your own favorite pizza. So whatever you eat do not forget this include this in your meals.

6.    Green Leafy Vegetables – Examples are lettuce, collards, beet leaves and spinach. Their big leaves and dark green color contains carotenoids.  They help in flushing away toxins and free radical out of your body. Eat them to protect your lungs against pollutants you inhale that can cause cancer.

7.    Berries – Examples are strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, blueberries. I know you like them so stock your homes with these fruits. They are better for you because they have natural chemicals like anthocyanin and ellagic acid that destroys those cancer causing polluntants.

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