Wednesday, February 27, 2013

White Girl sings a Tagalog Song, duet with David DiMuzio

Watch the video link here: >>>>>

Wow! The first time I saw this video(Watch the video link here: >>>>>  )  , I was really amazed on how these two artists sang passionately a popular Tagalog song that captivated many Filipinos worldwide. When  I say many, I mean 103,000 watchers and visitors worldwide were able to see this video, and still counting. Until now I m really entertained by their rendition of the song. It is a popular song that every Filipino knows. And these singers gave justice to it. You can notice the accent though but over all for me it was perfect and I cannot wait to see more music videos performed by them.

David DiMuzio, 28, who hails from North Carolina loves to sing Tagalog songs and you will really be impressed the way he sings it. He is not singing it because he only wanted to, but he sings the popular Tagalog songs with passion and eagerness. Moreover, he also said that he has an album which will be release later this year. So to all avid followers of David, buy his album and you will be entertained by the many wonderful songs, Tagalog and English, in collaboration with other popular Filipino Artists.

On the other side, the name of the white girl is Anna Rabtsun, a Russian girl who married a lucky Filipino ‘Eric Baylosis’ from Cavite, Philippines. You can watch their marriage highlights at you tube as well. They are a cute couple who found love from each other. I can say that this girl is very beautiful and sexy. However, aside from her pretty face, she also has a great talent of singing and she loves to sing Tagalog songs.  Probably, it was because of her husband that singing Tagalog songs became her passion.

Well,  you know , if you see people from other countries, singing our songs, it gladdens  the heart of the Filipinos because we are proud that our OPMs, are being appreciated and followed by people from around the world. It was just like how the Gangnam style of Psy became popular globally and the Koreans were  proud of it.

If given the chance I would like to see these two artists, Anna and David, perform in ASAP or to other Kapuso programs. They indeed have the talents plus their love for Filipino music is immense. They should be given that opportunity. They may be white but they are Filipino by heart. There’s one thing I know, that by seeing these guys perform live, it’s going to be a hit.

By the way, you can follow David DiMuzio at You Tube, Facebook and Twitter: ( (   ( )

I Tell My World
Product Market Review

Friday, February 22, 2013

Have You Ever Been Cheated?

Well, one of the saddest part in a relationship is when we are being cheated by someone whom we loved the most. That really hurts deeply especially if you remember those happy moments you have spent with each other. No one can avoid to shed a tear for a perfect relationship that turned sour.

The most painful part is, if you are being cheated all the time by someone. However, it does not mean, it is the end of the road for you, as long as you keep on trying and waiting. No need in hurrying up because there’s a possibility to be hurt again. I believe that God is preserving the right and best one for you at the right time. You just need to learn how to wait. Sometimes we have to find the wrong one first before we can meet the right one for us.

To your Ex-BF/GF? Who cares about them. It is better to have known him/her now before it is all too late, right? Just remember, it is not your lost after all, but a gain for you. I suggest for you to move on. Life is so much beautiful, to waste your time crying. You do not deserve someone who do not give you the same treatment. I believe that you have the right to love and be loved back. Time will come you will find him/her. Just be patient. And while waiting for that person, make yourself busy. It will help you a lot. You still have your loved ones and people that care about you. They are your treasure. Do now worry, everything will be just fine in the process. Trust me with this.

Yeah, I know, it is not easy but I can say it is worth it. Honestly, It happened to me few years back and I am really desperate. My friends can attest to that. But I did not lose hope. I commit to help myself all the way and stand amidst my emotional suffering. And look what happened, after 33 long years of waiting, I finally met the one whom I can say mine.  This experience that I have had, made me a better person. It  gave me a chance to love again and treasure what I have now. Yes, I am now very happy and same will happen to you as long as you know how to wait. For now, be the best that you can be…

17 Reasons on why You Don’t Get Hired for Work

Many Job hunters are having a hard time getting hired and go back home unsuccessful. Aside from the fact that looking for a job is quite difficult, there are also other reasons that add up on why job hunting becomes much more complicated. Competition in the market is one of those reasons that make it hard because you are competing with other high caliber applicants with a higher educational attainment and their experiences. You are also competing with a hundred of applicants vying only for one position. However it would be a blessing if more than one position would be available because there would be 50% chances of being hired. That is why we have to do all we can to follow some measures or methods for you to land a job.

You must keep in mind that presenting yourself properly is very important. Your image must be strong enough to get the attention of your employer. So below are the 17 things given by various directors and CEO’s from 153 different companies as reasons on why an applicant is not hired.

1. Poor personal appearance – When you go for an interview, be sure you look attractive. Formal attire will be a great  choice for you. Remember that you are not only judge through interview but also by how you carry and present yourself. Look fresh all the time. Wearing lousy appearance is not attractive.

2. Lack of planning for a career, purpose or goals- sometimes we forgot to plan effectively. Be sure that you are applying for a job where you can really excel and something that you in line to. You cannot apply for a job if you don’t have the experience and training you need for it. Most interviewers will ask for your competence, so be sure before you apply you already completed the required course and trainings so that you can be successful. It is hard to share something you do not know, right?!

3. Overbearing personality- Do not be loud, boisterous, and arrogant, and don’t nag people. You can gain respect by being respectful to others. Also try to tone down a little. These are the reasons why you are not hired.

4. Little or no interest to the company- you must apply to a company that you really like. But sometimes due to competition, even if you like the company, is not a guarantee that you will be accepted. However, there are many companies you can apply and learn to love it and learn many things about them. Your employer can see if you are really interested to work with them or not.

5. Lack of Confidence- Sometimes self esteem is our problem.  But you have to trust yourself and your abilities. Show what you got. If you are applying for a job that suits you will I think you can have that confidence in you. Just be confident always. Knowing your strengths will help a lot and try to stick from that. Don’t entertain your weaknesses and be positive always. Lacking of confidence will pull you down. Companies wants a confident person.

6. Unwilling to start at bottom-expects too much- If you want to be successful, start from the bottom. You will realize it is the best step for you to do and then prove your worth. Many people wants to start way above. That is a no-no. Remember that.

7. Failure to look interviewer in the Eye- Looking to the eye of your interviewer will help you a lot because through it they can see you within. So failing to do so will cast doubts to you.

8. Limp handshake- have a dignified handshake plus a determined personality. Limp handshake means you are not that sincere.

9. Sloppy application form- Many applicants have a sloppy resume or application forms. Your resume must be clean , presentable and the required data must be included in it.

10. Lack of interest and enthusiasm- If you are not interested to apply and about the company, stop it. You will be wasting your time. Your employer can see if you lack interest in them. If they feel that way, they will not hire you.

11. Criticism of past employers- Never ever criticize your past employers. Avoid that attitude. It just shows how negative a person you are.

12. Lack of courtesy- Be polite all the time. Do not speak harsh words especially in the company premises. Someone might hear you.

13. Late to interview without good reason- being early all the time is a good attitude and employers like that. Who will hire someone if you are always late especially during interviews.

14. Marked dislike for school work- School record is a big plus for you so if you do not study well you can have it to your reports. Remember that companies also wants to know about your backgrounds.

15. Wants job for only a short time- If I am your employer, and I found out that you only want to work for a short time, I will not hire you. I will look for somebody who can stay with the company for a long time.

16. Asks no questions about the job- Asking a question shows your interest to the company. Just be sure that what you are asking is appropriate.  

17. Talks too much (more than 50% of the time)- Avoid this , please…

Check yourself on these before your next interview!

Bubblews, Your One Step Towards Professional Writing

Anyone who is aspiring to be a good writer and eventually be a professional, would want to have the best training ground for them to practice their writings skills and to be able to effectively communicate to the public. Many people are not good in speaking of what they feel, so they find writing as an effective tool to convey or voice out their feelings.

Writing is a powerful way of expression, either an expression of love, happiness, sadness, hatred or anything that touches our emotions. Writing is one way how Dr. Jose Rizal, the Philippine’s National Hero who fought the Spaniards in his own unique way, is able to awaken every Filipinos sense of nationalism, for the love of country and the battle for freedom. Writing is described as a two-edge sword, that can pierce every man’s emotions, and feelings, that cuts into one’s soul.

Actually, I am not a good writer, only aspiring to be one, but I find writing as an opportunity for me to express myself passionately, precisely according to what I really feel inside of me. Every time someone likes or comments to your articles gives you a sense of happiness, that you are being appreciated by others to what you do and what you think. Plus the opportunity to earn money, even if it is just a small amount of money, yet a decent one, that somehow can give you an extra push to continue what you are doing. I can also say that writing can make you a better person. You can even learn a lot of things because you are researching and thinking creatively. This can also add wisdom to you, something that I always want to have for the very reason that I believe that a man must not stop learning new things. While you are still alive and kicking, there are a lot of things to learn about and to discover.  That’s what makes the world a beautiful place to live in for there are just too many things for you to be productive.

Writing for this site will open many doors in the future for people who will continue in this direction of creative writing as long as they continually master and hone their skills. That is why I believe that Bubblews is your one step towards professional writing! It is really fun to write and just like me I am beginning to get addictive into this endeavor, and I know my new found friends here feels the same way as I do.

Well, one of my greatest dream is to be able to write an inspiring book and be known to the society of writers. And I know that through Bubblews I am heading in that direction. Hopefully, this dream of mine can be a reality, but for now, I will keep on writing!

I Tell My World
Product Market Review

Are You Afraid of Getting Old?
This is a question some people tried to ask themselves sometime in their life. It may be a question hard to avoid if you yourself is in the path of getting old every day, every year and every decade of your life. We know that time runs faster 24 hours a day and there is nothing we can do to stop that reality coming to us. We do not hold our time. You may be young now but tomorrow you are an old man. We are getting older every second of the day.

When you look at the mirror, you might see an old person standing with a growing white hair, white mustache and white beard, just like what I see myself having now. Wrinkles are starting to be noticeable as well. So who aren’t afraid to see yourself like that? To look just like Merlin of old, hahaha. I guess everybody will experience that moment in their lives sometime in the future.

But the question is, are you brave enough to answer that question of being afraid of getting old? This question about getting old might be a question for people who doesn’t want to grow up. People who can’t accept the fact that it is part of life. People who are coward enough to face that reality.

Well, we should not be scared of tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself. However, I think instead of questioning ourselves, am I afraid of getting old, maybe it is much better  if we modify it and just ask, “What did I contribute for the betterment of the world, my family, loved ones and to myself? Had I achieved something worth keeping? We should realize that life is beautiful. I like the words of Rick Danko when he said that,”Getting older, I realize I've had a very fortunate life. I've had a budget that's allowed me to do just about any silly little thing the mind could conjure up, and I'm still alive and here. So getting old still has an advantage for everybody. You gain experience and your way of life is wider compared if you are young. We are only old, we have everything in us, only that we are not getting younger.

“If u r born poor, its not your mistake
if u die poor, its your mistake”

This is something that we need to internalize. To do our best while on earth and be one of the successful people the world ever produced.
It is great to die happy and contented. You may not bring the richness of the world with you, but at least you are a happy man. There’s nothing we can do to stop time but we can do something useful and good during our time. To leave a legacy of goodness that people can remember and to the society which took care of you.

"Do not leave a legacy of fear, pain, and hatred. Leave a legacy that not only man can be proud of you but a legacy that God can be proud of you!"

by Alvin Pagaddu

I Tell My World
Product Market Review

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tips for a Microenterprise Success
These are the things you need to take note if you are engage into a small or big business. It will help you succeed along the process especially if you are a newbie into this industry. Most of the rich entrepreneurs around the world knows exactly that this tips are very important and needs to be remembered always. They are experts in this field so they know exactly what to do and theses tips are some of the things they follow to keep track of their growing company.
1.Start Small, Think Big-

If you are a neophyte in terms of business it would be better to start small. I always believe that out of small things comes which is great. So starting small is a great big step but you also have to think big. Thinking big is thinking of great, unique and new ideas. This is how you will be successful. Your path to greatness is getting there slowly but surely and learning everything along theway.                                                                                                                                            Most of the people I know wants to start really big in a faster way. There’s no such thing as getting rich in a fast pace. It takes time and dedication. Without a great experience and money to support, newly build big businesses will fall faster than you will ever know.                           
You know getting started is really hard at first especially that you are taking a risk yourself. It is also expected that mistakes may arise in the beginning but start from this and grow sustainably.

2.Differentiate Your Business-

Last time when I was strolling in a mall in Manila, I was so impressed to see many unique businesses, different products and approach. I realized how business minded people succeed because of being different with others.                                                                                            
Think of this, selling the same products hurts your business and it also affects everyone. It will increase competition and it pulls down prices. It’s a lose-lose situation so avoid it.                                       
Again, be different. Sell unique products, carry unique approach and stay away from competitors.

3.Buy Low, Sell High-

Most of the successful entrepreneurs do this. You buy a product in a low price and sell it more than you paid for it. The wider the margin between the price you pay and the price you charge will make you more money. However, also be reasonable. Selling too high hurts the business. The best way you to do is negotiate with your suppliers for low prices of the products.

4.Buy on Credit, Sell for Cash-

This is something some people who wants to start a small business did not understand. They interchanged this notion by buying cash then sell on credit. Doing this is a bad step to do. Like me before, I thought that it’s wiser or a good thing to buy cash and sell on credit but I realized it is much better to buy on credit then sell for cash.                                     
Find where you can get suppliers on credit, sell it to customers and get their cash. Do this and you will be astonished to the result, more inventory and you can pay suppliers on time.

5.Turn Your Inventory Often-

Take note, inventory can help your business grow. Small inventory turned everyday is another big step to do. For example, if you buy a product for 50 pesos and sell it for 150 pesos, you earned yourself a hundred pesos. Do this 10x for a week and you will get 1000 pesos for that week. Do it 10x a day, you earn 1000 pesos per day. This is the power of leverage.

6.Records is a must-

Records are vital in a business because you will be able to see the in and outs of your products. It is another way to see how your business grows. Keeping records will keep you away from overspending and bankruptcy. Keep in mind these 5 things: a. sales of the day; b. money you hold; c. money you owe; d. money the people owe you; e. value of your inventory.

7.Do not eat your inventory-

Never show your inventories to others. Doing so is the fastest way to lose money that eventually will lead to bankruptcy. Let others pay first before allowing them to take inventory. Perishable items must be disposed fast.

8.Pay yourself a SALARY-

Even though you are the owner, never get or lessen the working capital of your business. Just set yourself a salary like an ordinary employee. Example, your business earns P100,000 in one month, only take a portion of it as your salary then put the rest as your revolving fund and directly to your bank. Most entrepreneur isn’t successful because they re tempted to take some of the capital almost every day. They forget this simple rule.

9.Increase sales, Decrease costs-

The secret to this is working hard every day to increase the sales and multiply it. To make goals and achieve it. Also keep on track to control cost and expenses. In the name of direct selling, it is okay to be pushy a little bit than starve.

10.Make Profit everyday-

Do not let the day pass by without a profit. Do all you can to be able to sell. Be motivated plus a dedication or even a challenge to profit every day. Buy right, add value, and make correct pricing.

11.Value your customers-

Do good to them because you earn to them. Having a good relationship with your customers means repeat income for you because they will be loyal to you and buy to you all the time. Make them happy as well as attracting more loyal customers.

These are my tips to all of you. Good luck!!!

I Tell My World
Product Market Review

A Statement
This is the first time I ever wrote a poem for a special someone. It is true that if you are inlove, sky is really the limit. You can do unexpected things that you yourself will just say, “Did I make this?” Man, I am just glad I made one. It has been a long time.

Writing a special poem that works needs motivation or even an inspiration for you to write one. Most of the people who write poems took them quite some time to finish it. It is not easy to write a poem but as I said, if you are willing, if you are primed to give your best shot and pour your heart out, you can make a great poem that other readers will like to read. You don’t have to be a professional writer, you just have to be yourself. Write what you feel and everything will just follow.

I have read a book of poems in my life. Some are long and some are slightly short. However, by the time you will read it and finish it until the last word, you will feel like, ”Wow, that’s a great poem.” It’s because the person who wrote it, write it with feelings. Well, my friends, here is a poem that I made. I am not a good poem writer but I made a fantastic one. Enjoy your reading.

I dedicate this to the person who stole my heart… Hope you like the poem guys!!!

A Statement…

All these days you were there
Inspiring me and showing me,
Showing me how to be very happy with someone special.
Somebody who I never thought would be you.

You are a mist who suddenly became my light.
You are a spark that came out to be my star,
You are the rain that came out to be my rainbow,
You are someone, who came out to be my special someone.

And as moments passed by, as my days became nights...
As we grow to be so close, as we realize something's happening,
As my heart pounds every glimpse of you...
I believe, I feel intimately close to you...

But now we've realized,
This feeling deep inside, my days with YOU became my silence...
The silence that makes me wanna shout,
All the fears that I feel inside this heart...
So Please, tell me what you feel, what you think, and what you see...
For what I Feel, what I Think, and what I See...

You are the words, that makes my statement complete...

I Tell My World
Product Market Review

A Story of A Love Letter
If you are someone who is fond of reading love letters from other lovers, well, I would love to share mine to you. I hope somehow this could entertain you and help you seek your own true love and to let you know that it (true love) does happen in real life.

This letter came from my bestfriend, the love of my life, the person who inspires me and brought me happiness. Someone who encourages  me to do my best always and to dream, yet, to strive as well.

I could say that we have a unique love story together because we never predict that this kind of love would happen to us, that a dream after a decade of longing would ever come to pass. Sometimes, I thought it was planned from above. Well, I say this because everything that happened to us sailed smoothly amidst some trials and challenges we both encounter in our lives. However, for now our love story is not the right time for me to tell merely because our story has a long way to go before it can be said and done. But, for the moment, let us start from this LOVE Letter:

May 15, 2012

To the love of my life, Vhin,

The days are passing so swiftly.  It’s been more than two months since we got reconnected to each other after three years.  It’s been more than two months that we are spending sleepless nights talking to each other.  We may be physically restless.  We may be lacking in sleep most of the times.  But the happiness you bring me each time I spend the hours hearing and laughing with you is immense. 

I really never thought that the joy, the dream, the silent prayer of my heart would suddenly come to pass, would ever come true.  I’m still in awe for how you ever came to my life.  You were just one of those ordinary friends I usually don’t get interacted with.  You were one of those in newsfeeds that I usually neglect.  But if only I knew then that my happiness lurks in your person, then I wouldn’t have wasted my time before.   However, I know heaven knows that this is our time.  This is our moment. These are our days to spend together to be more grateful, wiser, more loving, more caring and more in love.  Each day I live with the thought and feeling that I have you is I’m filled with gratitude.  I really thank heaven that I have you; that I am loving the sweetest, most caring and most loving man I’ve ever known in my life.   You were just a dream before that was impossible to have. I really never thought you would ever come to me.

I’m happy with you, Vhin.  I’m happy that I have and am enjoying this kind of love with you.  Mahal na mahal kita Bhe.  I could never imagine what would I be like today if I chose to ignore you.  I would surely be full of regrets or still ignorantly hiding in sadness.  God really touched my heart.  He really pulled me out from that lonely shell I lived in.  He has given me love I still couldn’t believe I’m deserving of.  I know He loves me and that’s the most definite reason there is.  He knows my full potential and that I can go farther than just what I think I could.  He has blessed me though I already ceased asking for any.  He has blessed me more than I deserve.  He gave me you.  You will always be my living testimony of how much God loves me and that I still worth like I’m a precious gem.

Now, I promise to love you, to take care of you, to respect you, to be loyal to you, to be faithful to you, to protect you, to cleave unto you and none else, to spend the rest of my days that I’m yours, to appreciate life with you, to conquer all for you, to sacrifice for you, to be selfless for you, to be hopeful with you, to bear all for you, to be patient with you, to fight for you, to not give on you, to understand you, to lift you up, to inspire you, to appreciate you, to cherish you, to be strong for you, to trust you, to believe in you, to sustain you, to submit myself to you as my head, to support you, to gladly spend my life for and with you, to smile for you, to laugh with you, to be happy with you, to be contented with you, to be willing to go the extra mile for you, to love you more each day.  But most of all, I promise to be worthy for you so you can hold my hand and present me before our Heavenly Father.

My heart is filled with so much love for you, Vhin.  If there’s one prayer I would ask from God, I pray to let me keep this love as mine forever.  I LOVE YOU baby and there’s nothing more I want to ask for…

Happy 1st Monthsary Bhe!!!

With all the love in my heart,

I Tell My World
Product Market Review

The BE Attitudes of an Exceptional Worker
To be able to succeed in your working profession, you need to know few things in mind in order to help you assess yourself if you are an asset to your company or a pain in the neck to your employer. Evaluation is your key to promotion and success. And these 9 BE attitudes will evaluate you if you are doing well in your work or not. Due to the heavy competition on the market today, people are looking for jobs and most of them might be better than you. So if you are not exceptional and do not do your best, your employer will be very happy to replace you for a much better worker. That’s why until it is early, learn your BE Attitudes

1.    BE Dependable- You must always be on time or much early than your boss. Early bird catches worms. You must also look good and fresh all the time. Getting late all the time is a bad impression of you. Excuses will pull you down.

2.    BE Dedicated- Don’t bring your personal problems at work. Family matters will affect your performance so be sure to leave them at home. Your employer is not there to assist you. He doesn’t care about your personal problems for he wanted results from your work and because he has a much bigger responsibility than you. He carries the weight of the company on his shoulders. If you are dedicated to your work, it lightens your boss’ burdens and you will make him happy or else he will just send you home.

3.    BE Effective- Do not be the problem. Be the solution to the problem. Do not be a “Jack of all trades.” Strive to be much better than anyone else. Do valuable things that can impress employer. If you do this, promotion awaits you!

4.    BE a Problem Solver- Let us be clear about this, “Your employer’s problems, are your problems.” That is why you are hired at the first place, right?! To solve your boss’ problems. However, always remember that solving your boss’s problems, sticks you more in the company you work with. It will be hard for him pass you off if recession comes. You are of a great value if you help him during critical times. Solving his problems means a higher salary and a promotion.

5.    BE Productive- President Gordon B. Hinckley of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints once said that we must work more than we are paid for. It’s a good attitude for an employee to have. The more we produce good results, the more that we show our worth. However, if you do not earn more for the company you work with, the company will not keep you long.

6.    BE Prepared- During times of recession, more people lose their job. You must be prepared always. Remember that the least prepared gets hired last and laid off first

7.    BE Positive- Who wants to have a negative employee, right! Most of the workers, sometimes keeps on complaining on how much difficult their work is or how much they do not like their jobs. Negative thoughts will not lead you to something good. It only represents what kind of person you are. But being positive on the other side disperse good vibes to everyone.

8.    Be Loyal- Never, ever betray the trust of the company that hired you. Work for every penny they pay you. Being loyal means that you support the program of the company. In the Pledge of Loyalty it says that whatever you see, hear and do leave it as a secret to the company you work with. The supplies, the plans, the products, the equipments and everything that belongs to your boss is his property. Protect it as if it is your own. This is not to be shared to anyone outside the company.

9.    Love Your Work- Learn to love everything in your job. It’s the only way for you to do better and be successful as a person and as an employee.  Loving your work will lead you to personal growth as well. The company you work with is where you get your income and your daily living. Loving your work means you have to enjoy it, not for money but for the love of work. Do this and everything follows.
Remember this: “Being Employed is a great reward for which we plan and work.”

I Tell My World
Product Market Review

Need a PASSPORT? Here's How... Hassle Free

How to Get your DFA Passport

Many Filipinos nowadays, are aspiring to go overseas, whether to seek a greener pasture or just go around the world. Filipinos were everywhere, be it in Europe, Australia, USA, Canada, China, Hongkong, Thailand, Spain, etc. Most of them are now earning huge money making their dreams of a better, comfortable and pleasurable life to come true. That is why more and more Filipinos get excited to go outside the country to find work and earn a higher income in which they will never earn if they chose to stay in the country.

To make this happen, you will need a passport and other documents that will help you to go abroad. A Passport is a major requirement of going overseas. Since many people are applying for it, sometimes it gets tedious to get one.  So we need to do some measures that getting a passport will be hassle free.

If you are applying for a DFA passport, be sure to bring the right documents with you. By doing this, everything will be smooth sailing. You can save more time and effort and avoid the pitfall of going back for another appointment. The Department of Foreign Affairs is doing all they can to support and help the public by providing indispensable informations on passport applications.

Applying for a NEW PASSPORT, these are the things you need to bring:
•    NBI clearance
•    NSO authenticated Birth Certificate
•    NSO authenticated Marriage Certificate (for married woman)
•    3 copies of 4.5cm x 3.5cm passport ID in white background. Wear a formal attire with collar.
•    Also bring the following: valid ID, voter’s affidavit, driver’s license and baptismal certificate

Applying  for RENEWAL of Passport, bring these documents only:
•    3 copies of 4.5cm x 3.5cm passport ID in white background. Wear a formal attire with collar.
•    NSO authenticated Marriage Certificate (for married woman who wants to adopt the surname of their husband)

If your old passport is color BROWN
•    Old passport
•    Photocopy of pages 1,2,3 (amendment)
•    Pages showing latest Bureau of Immigrations Departure and Arrival Stamps
•    Include any public document with full middle name

If old passport is color GREEN
•    Present your passport
•    Photocopy of pages 1,2,3 (amendment) inside and back cover. Pages showing latest Bureau of Immigrations Departure and Arrival Stamps

If you lost your passport, applications of replacement is required
•    If already expired, submit notarized affidavit of loss. No penalty fee.
•    If still valid, submit Police report and notarized affidavit of loss
•    NSO authenticated Birth Certificate
•    You are required for personal appearance
•    3 copies of 4.5cm x 3.5cm passport ID in white background. Applicant should wear a formal attire with collar.

Telephone Numbers for faster transactions:
DFA Passport direct:  737-1000
NSO Helpline Plus:  737-7777
Express Passport Delivery

What Matters Most
I'm blessed to have a great mother. Few years back we used to own a preschool, and I used to work there part time...she is a wonderful teacher and had taught great things to the children...the preschoolers particularly enjoyed the stories, I would do the visual aids and my mom would tell the stories, one of the favorites is the ugly duckling...a simple story but the lesson my mom told them is that we can grow to reach our full potential if we strive to and endure hardships and the end the ugly duckling turned to be a beautiful swan...which is in its full potential..
Sometimes, we don't know what we can become...we are clueless of what we can achieve that sometimes, we just stop where we are and remain stagnant for a while until we don't strive sons and daughters of Heavenly Father, we can strive to be like him...if we look up to Him and follow the Lords example.

Brothers and sisters we inherit greatness from our Father in Heaven and there’s no way we can fail. We only fail becuase we do not strive to do our best especially if we are practicing mediocrity. We are warned in the Doctrine and Covenants 60:13 saying that,” Thou shalt not aidle away thy time, neither shalt thou bury thy btalent that it may not be known.

To encourage us, President Brigham Young confirmed the revelation given to President Lorenzo snow by the Lord. He said and I quote, ”as man now is, God once was, as God now is, man may be.” If we try to analyze this concept we will learn that God is our greatest example and if we follow Him, step by step, we can become like Him. The path to greatness was revealed to us, only if we will work it out.

In a talk shared by bishop Gerald Causse, he shared that a movie age of reason made him realize the movie the main character who's 40 years old, successful career woman one day receives a letter...a letter she herself had written when she was 7 years old, the letter mentioned what she would want to become at the age of reason...after reading the letter she realized that none of her dreams when she was 7 years old happened...with this she turned her life around...

What if we receive a letter from our pre mortal life?
The letter might say...dear me, I'm writing to you so you'll remember who I want to become. I shouted for joy for the chance to come to earth. I know that life on earth is an essential passage to enable me to grow to my full potential and live forever with my Heavenly Father. I hope that you will remember that my greatest desire is to be a disciple of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I support His plan, and when I am on earth I want to help Him in His work of salvation. Please also remember that I want to be part of a family that will be together for all eternity.”
Are we living a life that is geared towards these goals? The chance to come here on earth and prove ourselves comes with trials that may be hard but will eventually refine us and shape us so we can achieve our full potential as Heavenly Father's sons and daughters...

We cannot be like Him if we don't work it out and endure while keeping the faith...the trials in our lives may be hard at times, but every time it seems to be like we cannot handle it anymore, God comes to our the end if we endure we will receive blessings of such will be in line with our eternal goals...

We should fill our lives with things that are pleasing to Heavenly Father. We should seek for things that lifts our spirits. Like Serving in the church, following the commandments, reading the scriptures...these things will help us endure to the end...if we adhere to these things, our ability to combat the trials that come our way will be strengthened, our minds will be cleared and not clouded making our desire to reach our ultimate goal strong...

Let Me share this verses from the Bible, 2Tim 4:5-8. I read and I quote:
5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.
7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

Understanding our divine identities can help us strive to reach our full potentials and endure the hardships that may come our way...we need to remember who we are...

Brigham Young said: “The greatest lesson you can learn is to know yourselves. … You have to come here to learn this. … No being can thoroughly know himself, without understanding more or less of the things of God; neither can any being learn and understand the things of God without knowing himself: he must know himself, or he never can know God.”7
“Remember, my child.” One of the great adventures of life is that of finding out who we really are, where we came from, and then living consistently in harmony with our identity and the purpose of our existence.

We should understand our divine identity in order to BECOME what He sees us. We understand our identity, we always move forward and upward if we understand our divine identity, we would want to strive to cleave to our covenants, we would want to pray, we would never lose sight of what matters most...we walk each day on safe grounds and if, just if we fall short, we know we can repent and be forgiven because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Brethren may we always understand and remember why we are here on earth and the very purpose of the plan of salvation, that we are here to perfect ourselves and be like Him, Our Father in Heaven. We are here to reach our full potential. Never allow yourself to reach the the end of the road without achieving your potential to become great in the sight of God.

I know that God is great and that He lives. I know in my heart that we can become like Him because we are his children. The Church is true. Jesus Christ is our savior and I love Him. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I Tell My World
Product Market Review

Monday, February 18, 2013

Best Tips on How to Prepare Well for a Job Interview
Arrive Early
Prepare yourself a day before the interview. Try to evaluate yourself and assess your strengths and weaknesses. Practice a little bit on what you will say as if it is the actual interview already. Better be sure to arrive 1 hour or 30 minutes early to avoid the pressure of getting late and the tendency to lose your full concentration. Being late is a bad impression to your employer.

Check Your Personal Appearance
You should dress appropriately and look presentable. Hair is well groomed and fingernails must be clean and neatly manicured. You may not know this but your employer will check your nails secretly. It may ba a little issue but it reflects who you are. Most of the interviewers I know have a psychology background so by the moment you meet them, he already knew and what kind of person you are.

What to Wear>>>>

Nice dress
Nice pan suit
No jeans or shorts
No party dresses
No gaudy jewelry
No heavy make up
No strong perfume
No Tee shirts

No “sloppy” jeans
No tee shirts
Shoes shined
Pants pressed
Clean shirt (tie as required)
Suit or jacket (if appropriate)
Hands and face clean

Go to the Interview Alone
Avoid bringing someone with you during interviews because we get distracted evertime and lose our focus id we are with them. You can fully concentrate and can yourself properly if you are alone. Hoever, if someone insist to come with you, just be sure to have them wait in the car or let them go strolling somewhere else while waiting for you.

Bring Important Documents with you
1.    Name/address of employers
2.    Employment dates
3.    Business and personal references
4.    Name/address of schools
5.    Diplomas and certificates
6.    Course Study
7.    Extra-curricular activities and Achievements
8.    Other Important documents and records like health certificate, SSS, Licenses, etc.

Be Alert during the Interview
•    Sit straight and maintain eye contact (through their eyes your interviewer can know you)
•    Do not slouch but be organized

Think Before Answering
You can better prepare for this moment by practicing before the actual interview. Always be accurate, honest and frank. Speak your heart but not talk 50% of the time. Answer only what is being asked of you and nothing else. Answer logically and do not forget to smile.

Try to relax and do not pressure yourself too much. It is enough that you know everything about the employer and company, the employer is still trying to know you so answer attentively. Try to be yourself. They will know if you pretend or not. Be natural to your responses.

Seek Advise:  Ask for Leads
When you feel that you did not do well in the interview and feel that you won’t get the job, be placid. There’s another effective way to counter the results. Do not be shy to ask for advise or suggestions. Ask for other available positions in the company. Sometimes the employer will know how much you needed a job. They might call you back so leave a good impression.

Believe it or not but applicants that follows up gets hired 97% according to the National Statistics. However, only 3% of the applicant follows up.
Send a letter as your first follow-up saying how much you are interested for the job and to work for them. Within 24 hours you should have handed the letter to them. You can as well personally hand it over to them.

I Tell My World
Product Market Review

7 Foods that Fight Cancer
If you want to protect yourself against cancer, it is time that you make the right tools to prevent it from harming you. Eat a balance diet, flex some muscles and avoid taking part of smoking and drinking. A healthy lifestyle is one step of having a healthy body and a good way of cancer prevention. Remember that you are one who takes care of your body.

First step you can do is by eating vegetables. You also have to limit eating meat, fatty and sugary foods. A small portion of it in a week is enough. However, try to eat fruits in bull all the time because they can provide you with the best nutrients, antioxidants and fiber that you will need all the time.

Add exercise to your daily routine also. Just imagine yourself being loaded with a balance diet and exercise and you can be as healthy as you want to plus this routine can help you to control your weight. Because when you get bulky and obese, you are putting yourself in a greater risk of having cancer such as breast cancer for women and prostate cancer for men. Abstinence also in smoking and drinking alcohol will take away 70% chances of getting cancer.

Fruits and vegetables are your mighty defender against cancer. These types of foods contains anti-oxidants , a natural chemical that strengthens your  immune system and takes away the free radicals. Free radicals kill your cells that will eventually turn into cancer cells.

Most of the fruits and vegetable that we eat also have vitamins C, E and beta carotene that makes you strong and healthy. If that is not enough, let us add the flavanoids to give you the extra protection you need. Flavanoids are very rich in anti-oxidants. They are responsible to the color, flavor and taste to the plants.

So now, let us load your meal with these 7 powerful foods:
1.    Onions and Garlic – These bulbs have the scallions and chives you need that are very powerful against cancer. To release their full strength, you have to crush the bulb properly and never overcook them. Eat them so they can hunt those free radicals before they get you.

2.    Citrus Fruits – I love these fruits very much. Why? Because they are your oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruits. Their pulp and juice are very rich with vitamin C that prevents cancer of the bladder, breast, cervix, rectum, colon, esophagus, pancreas, lungs, and the stomach. Citrus fruits also have monoterpenes found on the peels of the fruit. They are anti-oxidants also. You can add it to your drinks.

3.    Cruciferous Vegetables –Examples are broccoli, cauliflowers, turnips, brussel sprouts, cabbage, kohlrabi, and rutabaga. These vegetables produce phytochemicals responsible for safeguarding your DNA preventing them to mutate into cancer cells. It also stops the growth of tumors in the body. To benefit from them, you must eat them raw or half cooked.

4.    Herbs and Spices – It is a good replacement for salts. Examples are basil, rosemary, turmeric, parsley and ginger. They all contain flavanoids and other compounds rich in anti-oxidants. It would be better to eat them fresh.

5.    Tomatoes – Wow! I like this vegetable because they are so full of lycopenes, another kind of an anti-oxidant. This carotenoid fights cancer of the stomach, esophagus, lungs, colon, prostate and throat. You can make a red pasta sauces out of it or make your own favorite pizza. So whatever you eat do not forget this include this in your meals.

6.    Green Leafy Vegetables – Examples are lettuce, collards, beet leaves and spinach. Their big leaves and dark green color contains carotenoids.  They help in flushing away toxins and free radical out of your body. Eat them to protect your lungs against pollutants you inhale that can cause cancer.

7.    Berries – Examples are strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, blueberries. I know you like them so stock your homes with these fruits. They are better for you because they have natural chemicals like anthocyanin and ellagic acid that destroys those cancer causing polluntants.

I Tell My World
Product Market Review