Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Long Distance Relationship: Can It Work?

Some people believe that a long distance relationship will not work and others say it can work. Personally speaking, I can say that a long distance relationship can work but it depends on how much determination and importance you give to it.

Every relationship needs to be nurtured. Just like a seed, for it to grow well, you have to dig it nicely, water it, expose to the sunlight, and put a little fertilizer so it can grow healthily. Most of all, the one ingredient that everybody needs to learn, is to nurture it with love because you will not be successful if you do not love what you do. However, it does not mean, when it is starting to grow, you will stop nurturing it. You still have to take care of it until it grows into a strong and beautiful tree. In a relationship, it undergoes the same process. You have to nurture it with love. If you will do that, you can expect that your relationship, no matter how far you are in the moment, can survive time and end up together with a happy and loving family in the end.

I want to tell you a little story about me and my pretty girlfriend. I was once assigned to work as a missionary in Olongapo Mission last 2001-2003. During that time of my mission I was called to serve as an Assistant to the President, so that means it would require my companion and I a lot of travels and workshops from Bataan to Pangasinan. My girlfriend on the other hand, lived in Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan. If I only knew that we would meet in the future, I would certainly go and visit her. But the good Lord has a better plan for us. Years passed, we underwent many challenges in life separately. Until suddenly in the year 2012, after 9 years of waiting we finally meet each other. Actually we met in facebook at first. Then it started from one conversation to another. Our love for each other started from there. We always talk and text a lot. There are even instances where we do not have enough sleep because even if it is 4 o’clock in the morning we are still talking in the phone. That was how we are before and our love keeps growing and growing. However, time pass, we realized that we need to go to the next level. Our greatest problem at that time is our distance together. We lived far away from each other. I live in Bohol, down south of the Philippines and she lives in Pangasinan in the northern part. So the question is, what will I do? On my part, of course I have to do something so we can be together for I believe no matter how far you are, it is not a hindrance if you really love someone.  You will make a way to make it happen. And that is what I did. I think hard and pray in my heart. Then, my mind was enlightened of what I need to do. I noticed that I have the opportunity to go to Manila to take up some additional subjects for my course and the opportunity to find agencies that can help me process my papers for abroad. So I worked it out and I am glad it went smoothly to the point where I can be much nearer to the girl of my dreams. That chance gave me a sigh of relief because I know how hard it was to go to Manila especially if you live in the Visayas region. But nothing can stop me from going beyond my capacity just to be with my girl. And now, we are almost a year now together and it would not happen and might be jeopardize if I did not make a way to work it out. For a girl like her is hard to pass up.

So I believe that a long distance relationship can work if you make a way to work it out no matter how far you live with each other. I now live in Manila but much nearer to my girl. And even though we are still a little far, for me it is now more manageable. A long distance relationship can survive if you put an effort into it. It needs time, immense love for each other, trust and the determination to stick together amidst the challenges in life. By this, I know, a long distance relationship can be successful.

I Tell My World
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