Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Coping up After a Painful Breakup!

Honestly, I know what it feels to be depressed and broken hearted after a painful break uo It was never easy if you know what I mean. When I remember those moments right now, I just laugh at it because I cannot imagine how stupid I was to fight for someone who does not love me anymore. Right now, I already understand that concept although before it was hard for me to accept that reality. Time truly heals but I suffered at first to let you know that I am grateful that I am okay now.

For people who are experiencing the same situation, just be strong and fight your emotions. Emotions are intense especially if it is too strong to handle.  Do not let it destroy you because if you allow it to take control of you, your health will be affected, worst you will get insane.  If that happens, you are putting yourself in the most dangerous situation. The only person who can help you is ‘YOU’ and no one else.  It is 99% your part to solve it. However, you family and friends will be a great support for you and will also play a big part of the healing process.

During the time of sorrow, what I did is that I make myself busy looking for a job. I am lucky to be able to have 2 jobs for a day. I also took away all the pictures or anything that would make me remember my ex-girlfriend. Although, I still did not eat that much because somehow it was still hard for me to eat, that is why I lose a lot of weights. But I keep on fighting these emotions. Sometimes I still drink hot drinks so I can have the guts of not thinking of her somehow, yet, it is only for a night. The next day nothing has change though. At the time of my depression, a good friend of mine, has been there with me during my grief.  It is nice that someone listens to you because it helps a lot to ease the pain.

And as days became months, and months became a year, I can only see myself a better person. Slowly but surely, I felt healed. Albeit, it took me a while to get there but I am happy because the pain isn’t there anymore. I am so glad about it and my improvements. The feeling of being free after an emotional bondage was something that made me cry.

It was not easy but time does heal. You also have to help yourself since no one can do it for you. For me this is a lesson and something I won’t forget in a lifetime.

I Tell My World
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