Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I Trust in You

When I was a young 21 year old man, I was called to serve a 2 year mission in the Philippines Olongapo Mission. As a priesthood holder, we are required to go on a mission. It is our duty to share the good news and to preach the word of God to all people. I can still remember that I am not really good in preaching and that I lack wisdom pertaining to the words of the Lord. What will I share? How can I be effective? To tell you frankly I do not know the answer.  I do not know anything about the Bible and the Book of Mormon that much. That was why it’s scary to go out there and preach. However, even though I knew a little about the words of God, there’s one thing that I do know in my heart that the church is true. I firmly believe that as long as you do the work of the Lord, He will sustain you no matter how hard the work is and He will guide you throughout your journey that men might believe what you say. I may lack in wisdom but I strictly follow what he commanded me to do.

When I reach my 1st year in the mission field, I was called to be a Branch President in one of the areas of the mission, Bagac. Honestly, I am not confident of what I needed to do because I do not know what’s the work of a branch president, yet, I know it is a hard work because you will think as a leader and as someone that members can look up to. But since it was entrusted to me, I decided to think and pray of what I should do that I may do it properly. As days gone by, I’m still having a hard time on how I can be effective in my new calling. I really do not know what do. And since I am already troubled due to the sensitivity of the work which wasn’t easy to magnify, I am eager to call my Mission President and ask for his admonition and help. So we talked for a while sincerely and I share what I feel especially the concerns that I have.  Well, I thought that he would teach me the things I needed to do or a step by step process which I could follow, but he instructed me otherwise. He only told me 4 words, 4 words that changed my life up to this day. No words had inspired me so much except the words given by mission president.

This is what he said to me, “Elder Pagaddu, I TRUST IN YOU!”

After he said those inspiring words, I felt as if, it’s a message that came from the Lord. My life changed at that very moment and up to this present time. It changed the way how I view life as a whole and to have that confidence to myself. I can say that I became a much better person after that wonderful experience I have had. This is something I will never ever forget in my entire life. I owe everything to the Lord. If I never followed Him, I would have missed that great experience, and the chance to work with the guidance of the Lord!

I Tell My World
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