Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Time for Meditation

All of us need a time-off from all the stresses of life. If you are someone who worked so hard everyday for a year, I guess it is the right opportunity to give time for yourself and think about other important things in life. Stresses can make you old as if you are someone who lacked sleep and vitamins. You are prone to sickness as well if you are always stressed because it can change the hormonal balance in your body that can lead to sickness. So why not just plan for a get away, with your family or much better by yourself so you can really relax to the maximum without thinking of other people. That is why you will go for a vacation to pamper yourself only.

During your get-away, it is now your opportunity to apply meditation. It is the total relaxation of the mind. Your brain is like a computer where all information is stored there, from small files to larger files. The internal circuits found inside the computer are the ones that provide all the needed supply for the computer for it to work. Once the computer overheats due to over use, there’s a tendency that it won’t work properly. The same goes to your brain and your body as a whole. That is why we need a time for relaxation and meditation. Meditation can help your brain to be revitalized. Total concentration of the mind and body can supply you the needed energy that can boost your persona. It is also the opportunity to think clearly. There are times that we tend to forget some important things that we need to do either for our family, for our work, and for ourselves. Meditation can help you remember that. It is also a best time to plan properly if there are instances that you need to do in the near future. It can be about marriage, relationships, travels, and etc.

So where can you do meditation and how can you do it? Well, all you have to do is to look for a peaceful place. It can be in the beach, in the mountains, or anywhere as long as nothing can destruct you. You have to plan where to go so that you truly have a fantastic place for concentration. Sometimes, other people will meditate, in front of the sunlight, or in the mountains, falls, where you can only hear quite sounds of the nature. Once you already found a place, do not forget to bring some important things with you like water, tools for protection, a small bed sheet where you can sit and lay down. When everything is prepared, it is now your time to meditate. You can sing or listen to song for a start. When you are able to get your timing, it is now the time to close your eyes, and lift your hands as if you are absorbing the power of nature. Think deeply and let your mind fly as far as it can go. Think that you can control everything that surrounds you which you can really do. There are people because their brain is so much powerful that they can do unexpected things. You can do it also. You just have to open your brain and unlock the power within you.

How long should I this? It depends to you. If you think that it is enough then you can stop. Sometimes other people can take them a day to finish meditating. It just depends to your capacity to stat=y long or not. I also suggest to take this opportunity to talk to God and have a personal connection to him. You can start by reading a scripture until you can obtain the spirit and start from there. After this experience, you will as if you are enlightened and your body feels so light. Through this you will know that you relaxed to the maximum. It is great to meditate. It is great to energize. It is a great time to find yourself!

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