Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Conquering Your Goliath

All of us have different goliaths in our lives. These goliaths are your obstacles in that gives you sorrows and afflictions. These causes you fears that bothers you and may be with you for a lifetime if you do not solve it. Who in the world would want to live in fear, right? However, we can turn the table by facing and conquering our goliaths. It is the only way how to do it. You have to fight with out fear, with determination, with confidence and a belief that you can succeed. This is an opportunity for you to show what you got. You also have to be motivated and you can get this motivation through your loved ones, people that are important you.

Once you are able to overcome these things, good tidings will come to you. Peace and happiness will add also to your positive situations. You will then realize that problems strengthen us to the maximum level. We should be thankful that we have problems because it gave us an opportunity to grow as a person. For problems molds us to something better we never have imagined at first.

How we handle problems depends on how we perceive it.  I suggest that we look at it as a challenge and not as a problem.  A challenge that once solved will add power to you just like a mojo in a video game. Years ago, I heard a wonderful talk given by an Apostle. It was very inspiring and something that I will always remember. I remember  one thing that he said, that in every challenges, we should always ask for a divine guidance of the Lord. For in every battle, it is impossible to lose if the Lord is on your side. He will guide you all the way to victory. That is why I know that we should always ask for help if we need to so  He can be there for us in time of need.

Your goliath of problems will be a great stumbling block to your success but once you become victorious, it will most likely become a blessing to you. Let us always understand that the God above send us something that would become a great worth for us in the future. We may not know it, yet, He knows what are best for us. We only have to trust and give thanks to Him for all the blessing we receive each day. You’ll never know, you will wake up one morning and the windows of blessings were already opened and overflowing for you.

The best thing about blogs, they just keep going

I Tell My World
Product Market Review

Coping up After a Painful Breakup!

Honestly, I know what it feels to be depressed and broken hearted after a painful break uo It was never easy if you know what I mean. When I remember those moments right now, I just laugh at it because I cannot imagine how stupid I was to fight for someone who does not love me anymore. Right now, I already understand that concept although before it was hard for me to accept that reality. Time truly heals but I suffered at first to let you know that I am grateful that I am okay now.

For people who are experiencing the same situation, just be strong and fight your emotions. Emotions are intense especially if it is too strong to handle.  Do not let it destroy you because if you allow it to take control of you, your health will be affected, worst you will get insane.  If that happens, you are putting yourself in the most dangerous situation. The only person who can help you is ‘YOU’ and no one else.  It is 99% your part to solve it. However, you family and friends will be a great support for you and will also play a big part of the healing process.

During the time of sorrow, what I did is that I make myself busy looking for a job. I am lucky to be able to have 2 jobs for a day. I also took away all the pictures or anything that would make me remember my ex-girlfriend. Although, I still did not eat that much because somehow it was still hard for me to eat, that is why I lose a lot of weights. But I keep on fighting these emotions. Sometimes I still drink hot drinks so I can have the guts of not thinking of her somehow, yet, it is only for a night. The next day nothing has change though. At the time of my depression, a good friend of mine, has been there with me during my grief.  It is nice that someone listens to you because it helps a lot to ease the pain.

And as days became months, and months became a year, I can only see myself a better person. Slowly but surely, I felt healed. Albeit, it took me a while to get there but I am happy because the pain isn’t there anymore. I am so glad about it and my improvements. The feeling of being free after an emotional bondage was something that made me cry.

It was not easy but time does heal. You also have to help yourself since no one can do it for you. For me this is a lesson and something I won’t forget in a lifetime.

I Tell My World
Product Market Review

Long Distance Relationship: Can It Work?

Some people believe that a long distance relationship will not work and others say it can work. Personally speaking, I can say that a long distance relationship can work but it depends on how much determination and importance you give to it.

Every relationship needs to be nurtured. Just like a seed, for it to grow well, you have to dig it nicely, water it, expose to the sunlight, and put a little fertilizer so it can grow healthily. Most of all, the one ingredient that everybody needs to learn, is to nurture it with love because you will not be successful if you do not love what you do. However, it does not mean, when it is starting to grow, you will stop nurturing it. You still have to take care of it until it grows into a strong and beautiful tree. In a relationship, it undergoes the same process. You have to nurture it with love. If you will do that, you can expect that your relationship, no matter how far you are in the moment, can survive time and end up together with a happy and loving family in the end.

I want to tell you a little story about me and my pretty girlfriend. I was once assigned to work as a missionary in Olongapo Mission last 2001-2003. During that time of my mission I was called to serve as an Assistant to the President, so that means it would require my companion and I a lot of travels and workshops from Bataan to Pangasinan. My girlfriend on the other hand, lived in Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan. If I only knew that we would meet in the future, I would certainly go and visit her. But the good Lord has a better plan for us. Years passed, we underwent many challenges in life separately. Until suddenly in the year 2012, after 9 years of waiting we finally meet each other. Actually we met in facebook at first. Then it started from one conversation to another. Our love for each other started from there. We always talk and text a lot. There are even instances where we do not have enough sleep because even if it is 4 o’clock in the morning we are still talking in the phone. That was how we are before and our love keeps growing and growing. However, time pass, we realized that we need to go to the next level. Our greatest problem at that time is our distance together. We lived far away from each other. I live in Bohol, down south of the Philippines and she lives in Pangasinan in the northern part. So the question is, what will I do? On my part, of course I have to do something so we can be together for I believe no matter how far you are, it is not a hindrance if you really love someone.  You will make a way to make it happen. And that is what I did. I think hard and pray in my heart. Then, my mind was enlightened of what I need to do. I noticed that I have the opportunity to go to Manila to take up some additional subjects for my course and the opportunity to find agencies that can help me process my papers for abroad. So I worked it out and I am glad it went smoothly to the point where I can be much nearer to the girl of my dreams. That chance gave me a sigh of relief because I know how hard it was to go to Manila especially if you live in the Visayas region. But nothing can stop me from going beyond my capacity just to be with my girl. And now, we are almost a year now together and it would not happen and might be jeopardize if I did not make a way to work it out. For a girl like her is hard to pass up.

So I believe that a long distance relationship can work if you make a way to work it out no matter how far you live with each other. I now live in Manila but much nearer to my girl. And even though we are still a little far, for me it is now more manageable. A long distance relationship can survive if you put an effort into it. It needs time, immense love for each other, trust and the determination to stick together amidst the challenges in life. By this, I know, a long distance relationship can be successful.

I Tell My World
Product Market Review

World’s 18 Hot Topics You Can Write and Talk About (in order)

1.    Religion Issues. This is the topic most people read about. So if you are having a hard time thinking of a topic, the best way is to write something about religion Issues. Most people are inclined to religion whether it be Catholic, Christians, Muslims, Hebrews, Hindu, etc. Write something about it and you can attract many readers However, be sure your main topic is attractive to real as well
2.    Social News. People are aware to the society they lived in. They also take part in different social issues that are happening around the world. Remember that this is the second hottest topic in the net and writing something about it can attract visitors and readers to your site.
3.    Law and Crime. One issue that most people also read is about crime and how the government solve it. Just imagine for instance the girl raped inside a bus in India, the world read about that news and billions of readers knew about it. So if you are going to write an article, a social issue would be a great choice.
4.    Political Issues. Politics is part of our society whether we like it or not. Even in the beginning of a civilization, there’s politics already. This is a good choice to write about since many are involved in this and you can expect a lot of readers in this category.
5.    Sports News Of course sports news. Who in the world does not know about Michael Jordan or a Lebron James. Due to publicity and the love of sports, many people read these kind of articles. Sports issues will be great for you to write.

6.    Wars and Conflict. Nuclear issues in North Korea, The Gulf war, Islands disputes are some of the issues in this category. Everybody is interested on what is happening around the globe If there are wars, They would likely be interested to read something about it.
7.    Miscellaneous. Other issues not found in the categories above and below, can be found in this area you can write something about dogs and foods since there are readers who would like to read about them. Remember they are top 7 in this list.
8.    Technology/Internet Advance. I would love to read something about up-to-date- gadgets available in the market today and I know many people feel the same way too. I like to know about the latest iphone, Samsung galaxies, mobile phones, tablets, cable and internet connections. If there’s an article about it, I will surely read it.
9.    Weather Reports. Because of what is happening in the world today, I want to be prepared all the time. Reading about how and what we can do to be well prepared due to the climate changes and calamities, are a sure hit to a wide scope of readers. Write a topic about it and expect readers to flood your articles.
10.    Education Issues. What will I take up in college? What school is the best place to enroll? Tuition fee Increase? I badly need a scholarship. Etc. are something that would interest many readers. They want to be enlightened about these topics.

Here are the other topics you can also write about that placed well on google rankings:
11.    Entertainment and Culture
12.    Business and Finance
13.    Calamities
14.    Health Issues, Medical Advancement, Pharmacology
15.    Human Interest and Views
16.    Labor/ Work
17.    Hospitality and Recreations
18.    Environmental Issues

I Tell My World
Product Market Review

How To Invite The Easiest and Powerful Way Online

Facebook Messaging and Chatting-  Facebook is your best choice of marketing online. This is the widely used site in the world and the best and effective way to share and market your referral links. However, be sure to use it properly since facebook administration are strict Over using facebook will block you from using it.
    Photo Tagging- Sharing photos is the most effective way to attract your audiences. Most of the time onliners will click photos that interest them especially if it is very attractive and irresistible. So share your photos in facebook pertaining to your products plus do not forget to tagged your friends and prospects to it. Be sure your ads are convincing. Avoid spamming or watch out of what you post. Tagging them one time would be enough. For sure your friends will look at it.

    Wall posting- Posting in your wall will let others be notified of your activities. Every time they will look at your profile they will see the things you are doing. All your post will be seen in the newsfeed.
    Proofs of Payment- One thing that people would want to know, if you are really earning. Letting them see your earnings and payments would entice them to join your group. Posting your proofs of payment would attract your friends especially if it is really a big income. Prove them your company is paying hard earned cash!

    Advertising Online – The best way to do this is making your own website. A very powerful marketing strategy that would benefit your business if you have one. Here some suggestions from me where you can post Ads for free:
    Join Other Facebook Groups – One of the effective ways you can do to expand your business is to join other groups. But be sure to follow their rules or else you will be restricted from joining. There are many FB groups that allow Free Ad Posting Just search for them. By the way, do not SPAM.

    Tell Them That Many Have Joined and Now Earning – Most likely many would be curious about who are the members and the reasons behind why they join the team. Letting them know that everybody can participate including family and friends will be a great advantage since everybody would want to earn online. Informing them it is getting popular would get their interest to join.
    Prove Them That your Company is for REAL – Everybody is aware that there are many spammers online. You have to be sure that your company is legit because if not you will be blamed and your reputation will be affected. It would be a good step to show your company’s legalities like DTI Permit, SEC, BFAD, Business Permit, BIR Permit, and etc. A friendly and supportive environment will be a great benefit to you and the company. Every body wants to belong to a group that is very supportive of them especially if they are just new in the industry.  In the name of networking, trust and teamwork are very necessary.

    Share How The Company has Helped You – You cannot share something if first of all, it didn’t help you, right? Be a living proof to your company. Support the products and the company’s program. Let every body know that the company you are inclined to, has helped you to be financially free.
    Make Friends- The more friends you have, the more chances that they will join you. AMking friend is not totally adding them or inviting someone to add you. You have to reach to the. You have to get their trust to win their loyalty. Also, make friends with other members of your company online. They are a big help to you especially if you are just new.

    Be Thankful to the Person Who Invited You – Of course, you will not be in the place you are right now without you sponsor. Be thankful to them because you are also being blessed by the opportunity extended to you.
Hello Guys, I hope these suggestions can help you be successful online since this is a proven method. Just learn it and you can be fruitful…

I Tell My World
Product Market Review