Saturday, May 11, 2013

Thy Mother's Love

No language can express the power, and beauty, and heroism, and majesty of a mother's love.  It shrinks not where man cowers, and grows stronger where man faints, and over wastes of worldly fortunes sends the radiance of its quenchless fidelity like a star.  ~Edwin Hubbell Chapin.

When I was a child, I saw how my mom raised me and my brothers and sister. She worked so hard day and night for us so that she can give us a better life. She stood as a father and mother to us. Through the years of hardships in our family, her desire that we  stay together as a family no matter what happens remained within her. It’s her  greatest desire  to see each one of us one day finish our studies and have a good life in the future. Without my loving mother, I will never be who I am now. 

Now my mom have 3 successful nurses and a physical therapist. 

I remember a scripture from the Bible that my mother used to tell us about God, she said and I quote, “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart  and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him and He shall direct your paths. My son s and daughters, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor detest his correction; For whom the Lord loves, He corrects. Just as a Father the son in whom he delights.“ 

Until now those words from her were sketch in the deepest part of  my heart. I always believe that no matter what life brings as long as you trust the Lord, you will always be in the right path. And inspite of the hardships and those times that there’s no food on the table, we should not complain for the Lord knows what’s best for us and that He has a great plan for his children. And my Mom taught me that.

From the Lord’s words, this is how I described my Mother:
“Happy is the man who finds wisdom and the man who gains understanding. For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver, and her gain than fine gold. She is more PRECIOUS than rubies and all the things you may desire cannot compare with her. Length of days is in her right hand. In her left hand riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her and happy are all that retain her. “ 

For All mothers:
Here’s a message from President Gordon B. Hinckley on motherhood: 

“Most of you are mothers, and very many of you are grandmothers and even great-grandmothers. You have walked the sometimes painful, sometimes joyous path of parenthood. You have walked hand in hand with God in the great process of bringing children into the world that they might experience this estate along the road of immortality and eternal life. It has not been easy rearing a family. Most of you have had to sacrifice and skimp and labor night and day. As I think of you and your circumstances, I think of the words of Anne Campbell, who wrote as she looked upon her children:

You are the trip I did not take;
You are the pearls I cannot buy;
You are my blue Italian lake;
You are my piece of foreign sky.
President Hinckley clearly states that motherhood is part of the great plan of Salvation. Without our mothers, mortality will never be and eternal life would be but a dream. True happiness cannot be comprehend but loneliness and despair. Let us rejoice for God never left us. His plan is great and cannot be broken. Thanks to our mothers who raised children so that one day they can become like God and have an everlasting life with him.

Here’s another powerful words form Elder Russell M. Nelson on motherhood: 

“During my professional career as a doctor of medicine, I was occasionally asked why I chose to do that difficult work. I responded with my opinion that the highest and noblest work in this life is that of a mother. Since that option was not available to me, I thought that caring for the sick might come close. I tried to care for my patients as compassionately and competently as Mother cared for me.

Many years ago the First Presidency issued a statement that has had a profound and lasting influence upon me. “Motherhood,” they wrote, “is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels.
Because mothers are essential to God’s great plan of happiness, their sacred work is opposed by Satan, who would destroy the family and demean the worth of women.” Russell M. Nelson.

Motherhood is a great and noble job. How great it was to raise children for the Lord and teach them his ways. I know that motherhood is a sacred calling. Difficult but fulfilling. The Relief Society is a reflection of Adult women and mothers. It is the largest group of women in the world. As a representation of a mother to the world, they care for the poor and the needy. How great are the ways of the Lord.

Dear brothers and sisters, love your mothers. Because without them, there’s no you. Without them you will never be here and without them, the road towards God is a dim as night. To my mom, I may be far away today, But let my heart pour my love to you. I love you with all my heart. Thank you for molding me what I am today.  I promised as you grow old that I will be by your side. I dream that one day that all of us will be together again, not only on this life but the life after.

I know that God lives and that Jesus is my Saviour. Thank you for all the mothers. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.